About AAPI
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is a non-profit organization that has represented the interests of 80,000+ physicians and 40,000+ physicians-in-training (students, residents, and fellows) of Indian origin in the U.S. since its founding in 1982.
Physicians of Indian origin represent about 10% of all physicians in the U.S. and service about 30% of the U.S. patient population.
People of Indian origin comprise the world's largest population and overseas diaspora. The Indian diaspora is culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse due to India's rich region-specific traditions, 2000+ ethnic groups, and over two dozen official languages.
AAPI helps facilitate opportunities for professional and cultural development of it members and hopes to transform U.S. healthcare with distinctive contributions from its heterogeneous Indian diaspora.
AAPI Charitable Foundation (AAPI-CF) is AAPI's charitable foundation that oversees free health clinics and initiatives in rural and underserved communities in various states throughout India.
AAPI Young Physicians Section (AAPI-YPS) represents the interests of AAPI's physicians who are within the five years of completing their graduate medical training.
AAPI Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows (AAPI-MSRF) section represents the interests of AAPI's medical students and physicians in training, as well as international or foreign medical students and graduates (IMGs/FMGs).
AAPI Premedical Students (AAPI-PreMed) section represents the interests of AAPI's traditional or non-traditional premedical students who hope to pursue medicine.
AAPI's mission is to enable and empower physicians, physicians-in-training, and students of Indian origin to:
Excel in patient care
Engage in lifelong learning, teaching, and research
Pursue aspirations in their professions, community, and cultural affairs.
AAPI's vision is to:
Promote professional solidarity in the pursuit of excellence in patient care, teaching, & research.
Transform American medicine and healthcare with distinctive contributions from the Indian diaspora.
AAPI's values include:
Respect for Human Dignity
Commitment to Collegiality and Ethical Conduct
Promote the Professional Advancement of Colleagues
Pursuit of Excellence
Commitment to Service
AAPI's motto consists of:
Unity of Purpose
Collegiality in Action
Commitment to Excellence
Compassion towards Fellow Human Beings
AAPI's goals are to:
Provide the best patient care with compassion.
Maintain the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Help patients to become fully informed and empowered partners.
Maintain their professional pride in the practice of medicine
Advocate for professional freedom.
Advance knowledge through medical education (including CME)
Pursue careers in academia, research, and administration.
Remain current and knowledgeable in contemporary and anticipated legislative and regulatory changes impacting the practice of medicine.
Assert equal protection in all their professional pursuits through collective advocacy
Promote AAPI's vibrancy by embracing change, teamwork, and interests in the pursuit of AAPI's shared vision.